Blunt force trauma to the head can result in severe, moderate, or mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). A jolt, bump, or blow to the head could result in brain and head injuries. Likewise, various situations could result in blunt force trauma to the head, including:
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Bicycle accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Truck accidents
- Construction accidents
- Slips and falls
- Daycare accidents
- Nursing home accidents
- Medical malpractice incidents
- Defective products
- Sports
- Recreational activities
- Violent crimes
Symptoms of Blunt Force Trauma to The Head
Brain injuries are among the most serious and devastating injuries an individual can sustain. The more serious brain injuries could even cause permanent and life-changing disabilities. Unfortunately, TBIs are not always easy to diagnose, which is often the case with blunt force trauma to the head. In some cases, an individual could suffer from a TBI without knowing it. In many closed head injuries, such as blunt force trauma, the symptoms are delayed and the physical damage invisible. Bruising might develop, but this usually takes some time and does not always happen. This also means that you may not know that you have already suffered injuries until you develop symptoms. Symptoms of blunt force trauma to the head also vary. They may be mild and seemingly negligible, such that some people assume that they just have a headache. On the other hand, some people can experience severe and immediate symptoms. On the milder side, blunt force trauma to the head could present the following symptoms:- Headache
- Loss of consciousness that lasts for several seconds to minutes
- Feeling disoriented, confused, or dazed but still conscious
- Vomiting or nausea
- Drowsiness or fatigue
- Speech issues
- Sleeping difficulties
- Sleeping more than normal
- Loss of balance or dizziness
- Sudden light sensitivity
- Double or blurry vision
- Tinnitus – a sensation of the ringing in the ear
- Concentration or memory problems
- Changes in smell or taste
- Mood swings or changes
- Feeling anxious or depressed
- A headache that worsens or persists
- Prolonged loss of consciousness
- Repeated nausea or vomiting
- Seizures or convulsions
- Dilated pupils
- Loss of coordination
- Inability to be awakened from sleep
- Drainage of clear fluids from the ears and/or nose
- Numbness or weakness in the toes and/or fingers
- Extreme confusion or disorientation
- Heavily slurred speech
- Combativeness, agitation, aggression, or other unexpected behaviors
Treatment for Blunt Force Trauma to The Head
Doctors may treat milder forms of head and brain injuries with rest and pain relievers. For more serious head injuries resulting from blunt force trauma to the head, however, doctors will need to stabilize the injured victim by managing the blood pressure, monitoring the pressure inside the skull, and ensuring that the brain is getting adequate oxygen. Surgeons may need to operate and remove hematomas between the skull and brain or inside the brain or alleviate pressure inside the skull. Likewise, they may perform surgery to drain excess fluid and repair any fractures in the skull. While TBIs may not respond directly to medications, doctors may prescribe drugs to treat related conditions, such as:- Blood clots
- Seizures
- Fatigue
- Muscle spasms
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Chronic pain
- Breathing disorders or pneumonia
- Bedsore or pressure ulcers
- Bladder and bowel problems
- Abnormal blood pressure
- Sexual dysfunction
Complications of Blunt Force Trauma to The Head
Blunt force trauma to the head that results in traumatic brain injuries could likewise cause other permanent or temporary complications, such as:- Coordination, balance, and movement issues
- Sensory deficits
- Pituitary gland damage, resulting in thyroid disorders and decreased hormone production
- Communication, speech, and memory problems
- Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD
- Ongoing psychological or mood disorders
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