Airplane crashes often result in devastating consequences for those on board and sometimes for people on the ground. The emotional trauma from living through such a catastrophic event or losing a family member in a crash often lasts a lifetime. However, help is available. The Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act of 1996 requires the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) to work with federal, state, local and volunteer agencies to meet the needs of those personally affected by an aviation disaster. After a crash, the NTSB establishes a Family Assistance Center (FAC) usually as a place near the accident site. The FAC is a secure meeting place for accident survivors, family members and friends to gather information regarding the “accident investigation, victim identification process, management of personal effects and the provision of disaster crisis counseling services.” Determining the cause of an aviation accident can take 12 to 18 months. During this time, the NTSB typically conducts daily briefings at the FAC. Victims and family members can ask questions of the medical examiner, coroner, NTSB personnel and other related parties. For victims unable to travel to the FAC, a telephone conference-bridge allows for full participation in daily briefings. Protect your claims by contacting California airplane accident attorneys for assistance. Aviation accident claims and lawsuits are often complicated and require skilled legal representation to achieve a favorable outcome. Golden State Lawyers, LLP is a personal injury law firm with the resources and experience to effectively litigate aviation crash claims. Let us help you through this difficult process.
Free Assistance for Airplane Crash Victims and Families