Category: Motorcycle Injury Claims
Should I Get a Lawyer for a Motorcycle Accident?
Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, leaving riders with severe injuries, significant property damage, and the stress of navigating complex insurance and legal processes. One of...
September 2024
What Are the Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?
Whether you use your motorcycle for pleasure or everyday transportation, one thing remains true: Other drivers can make riding motorcycles dangerous. Motorcycle accidents can happen...
April 2024
Do Motorcycles Stop Faster Than Cars?
Do motorcycles stop faster than cars? Motorcycles can stop faster than cars, primarily because of their lighter weight. However, motorcyclists face an unusually great risk...
February 2023
Do Motorcycles Stop Faster Than Cars?
Yes, motorcycles can generally stop faster than cars. However, there are limitations on braking for any vehicle. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) explains...
August 2022
Why California’s Motorcycle Helmet Law Matters
The Governor’s Highway Safety Association (GHSA) estimates that motorcycles have a fatality rate 28 times that of passenger vehicles, resulting in approximately 14 percent of...
March 2022
How to Treat Road Rash From Motorcycle Accidents
Thousands of people regularly ride motorcycles, and it’s easy to see why. They are fast, maneuverable, fuel-efficient machines that make getting from place to place...
November 2020
What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident
Motorcycle accidents are very different from most auto accidents, primarily because motorcycles lack important safety features that protect vehicle occupants in a motor vehicle collision....
October 2020
Motorcycle Laws
States and localities enact specific traffic laws focused on motorcycle safety because motorcycle riders are exposed to a greater risk of injury on the road...
July 2020
Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Motorcycle riders head out every day to enjoy the open road. Many people find that riding a motorcycle is a relaxing way to unwind and...
June 2020